Mix & Match offerings to jump-start ease, flow & goodness in your life.
Tap or click through the headings for more detailed info.
For you, your relationships, your most challenging situations.
Banish what’s stuck, blocked and blech.
Emerge refreshed, reinvigorated and feeling more like your favorite (maybe doesn’t even exist yet) version of you.
Energy clearing shifts your inner world and the outside world, moving you forward in welcome and supportive (and sometimes miraculous) ways.
I wanted to share that the sugar clearing you did for me at the end of last year had an astonishing result. For the first time, I would say ever in my life, I did not crave sugar. I actually thought to myself – this must be how some people feel all the time. It was an incredible experience. I would be offered things and genuinely didn’t want them. It wasn’t because I shouldn’t have them. Rather, it was because I genuinely had no interest. Now that I have felt this – it is a touchstone for the future. Very powerful. Thank you.
– Juli L.
Energy clearing for your business, because it has an energy, a personality, a spirit of its own and it could use an energetic reboot too.
It’s like having your very own Billy-Porter-style fairy godmother (from that Camila Cabello version of Cinderella) sprinkle it in secret-success-magic. Except the magic doesn’t expire at midnight and there are no mice-turned-coachmen-turned-mice.
Since the clearings – I have been approached through Kids and Caregivers to design state-level benefits for two states (we will see if it’s a fit). But wow! talk about going big! And there has been a pretty meteoric change in the impact of my work – I spoke at a large summit and things have been really taking off.
– Nancy Netherland, Kids & Caregivers
For the physical space of your home or business.
Perfect when you’re buying, selling, moving, or when things feel stuck, stagnant, uncomfortable, or like they could erupt in a brawl any second. Includes personal energy clearings for everyone in the home or those in charge of the business.
Magical things materialize when you and your space are aligned.
Alana cleared our woodworking shop just after we moved into a larger space. The week after the clearing we had at least 2 calls a day for new business, which is unusual. Three months later business has increased close to 20%, we have a new employee, our front office space is rented out and we have jobs lined up months in advance. Plus the space feels great and the guys can work more efficiently. It’s been a great experience!
~ Jenn Plew, co-owner Vintage Woodwork, BuiltbyJason.com
Soul Restoration (webpage coming soon – email me at [email protected] for more info)
Restoring connections between you and your soul gives you greater access to the vastness + brilliance + wisdom + beauty of who-you-are.
Working at the level of the soul is unlike anything else. This method is gentle and effective, with built-in safeguards. It gives you access to more hope, more possibility and more you-ness (the truest, brightest version of you). It supports you in navigating the life you have now and it moves you toward the life of your most precious dreams.
Possibility Coaching
Everything we do together energetically expands your sense of what’s possible and boosts your ability to live into your potential. You might be 312% ready for these octave shifts. (In which case, yay!) Or you might find that you have habits, patterns, challenges, or internal Grand Canyons to leap that get in the way.
Together we keep you moving forward until you’re ready to hike the terrain on your own.
Start by purchasing a 45-minute coaching call here.
I know you know this, but you are completely legit. Things that have been stagnant for years are moving and shaking and going forward. THANK YOU (times infinity).
~ Rebecca Vine, singer/songwriter
Not sure where to begin? Send me a message here (scroll down) and we’ll figure it out together.