Did you know that your business or non-profit has its own energy, its own personality, separate from yours, even if you’re a solo-preneur?
Maybe your business is all, “Duuuuuuude. Let’s get to it! We’ve got waves of money to catch!”
Maybe your business is buttoned up and serious and obsessed with the bottom line.
Maybe your business is leading a conga line around a dance floor in hot pink stilettos with a flower in their hair because they know how much potential they have and they are ready to unleash it on the world. (cha cha yeah!)
Like you, your business can absorb energy from the world around it, the people in it, and the decisions made about it. It can hang on to struggle as easily as it holds success.
And most businesses *want* to succeed.
I say “most businesses” because I once cleared for a business that felt a little like a mafia don wooing his latest girl-on-the-side and after the clearing, its income dried up like a pair of cement shoes. But if you and your work aren’t unethical or dishonest, your business won’t be either.
Businesses are also less complex than human beings, so clearing their energy tends to have speedy (and satisfying) results.
I just got off a call with a national organization that is interested in partnering with Kids and Caregivers in a substantial way. They want to have a conversation about investing in scaling my organization’s reach by investing capital and human resources. We share a vision of moving peer-based caregiver wellness into the center of the healthcare delivery system.
This is so so so big!! thank you. My stated dream years ago was to have families on medicaid have access to high quality, integrative, caregiver wellness resources and that is the conversation we had today. Just a big wow!! I had shivers during the zoom because I was seeing my dream unfolding into the here and now.
~ Nancy Netherland, Kids & Caregivers
Just like clearing a person, situation or relationship, it’s impossible to know exactly what will happen when we do a business clearing. And legally I have to tell you that energy work is for entertainment purposes only. (It IS entertaining watching good things happen afterward. Feel free to break out the popcorn!)
At this point, I only clear micro and small businesses (and non-profits), though I’m running experiments to see if the effects are similar with mid-sized businesses.
I consider a micro business a solo-preneur or pair, with or without contract-based help, under $100,000 annual revenue, or a new business with no investor start-up money.
A small business is under 10 employees and/or under $500,000 in annual revenue, or a new business with start-up money.
A mid-sized business is between 10-50 employees and/or between $500,000-$3 million in revenue. (Get in touch if you’d like to be part of the experiment!)
How does it work?
You choose the appropriate magical button at the bottom of the page to send payment, then answer a few simple questions about your business.
Over the following 5-7 business days, I sit down to do the energy clearing. There is nothing you need to do for that, it all happens on my end. Once it’s done, I’ll send you an audio recording with the intuitive feedback I receive. I will do a quick follow-up clearing about a week after the original clearing to ensure that the energy is moving smoothly. You can ask me questions at any point in the process.
Your job is to pay attention to any changes in your business and to keep it moving forward. The clearing works on the magical end but you’ve got to work the everyday stuff. This isn’t permission to sit back with a beer and bonbons and expect your business to do the heavy lifting on its own. Sometimes things shift in exciting ways immediately and sometimes things can feel a little murky, like the waters have gotten stirred up and need to settle and clear. That murkiness typically leads to expanded clarity, and to decisions that need to be made in order to move forward in the direction of success.
It was news to me that my business has things to say and feelings about those things. We have been to some glorious heights and some dark, despairing depths. Hearing Alana describe what remains true and steady/sturdy in my business felt strong and true. After she cleared and released all that was no longer needed, welcome empowerment took its place. Now I can see: see who we each are and what we each bring and what we each want/need going forward. Big exhale! And…practical actions presented themselves. Decisions come from a more coherent place now. Alana’s work brings a confidence that we, my business and I, are in a higher-level partnership than I ever knew or dared hope was available to us. Thank you so much for getting us on a straighter path, carrying a lighter load, with room to take action in much clearer ways. Deep bow!
Sheri Mortko, Live Like You Mean It! Life and Leadership Coaching
Questions you might have.
What is energy clearing?
There are many different modalities for energy work. This particular method involves removing energetic blocks that exist within the business for any number of reasons. It touches anything getting in the way of your business moving forward. I receive intuitive information about what is being released that I record and share with you. A lot of my clients love this part and it gives them encouragement and food for thought, but the most important part is the movement of energy.
***Energy clearing is legally considered to be for entertainment purposes only and is never a substitute for business or executive coaching, a business advisor, legal advice or professional medical or mental health care.
What if I’m just starting my business?
This is a perfect time to clear for your business! As long as your business has a name and a purpose, it will have its own energy, influenced by those of you launching the business. You might as well start off in the best possible way. When you move into a new home, you scrub away the traces of the last occupants. When you go on a first date, you get cleaned up and present yourself in a way that makes you feel good about yourself. When you go on a job interview, you put your best self forward. So let’s do that with your new business. It’s like slipping into a brand-new, custom-tailored power outfit after an energetic shower + shave.
What kind of changes can I expect?
Your results will be specific to your business and there is no way to predict exactly what that will look like. Past clients have shared things like increased customer traffic, a change from exhausting clients to delightful ones, increased income, greater visibility, reduced conflict, greater creativity and the work already being done in the business to drive sales being far more effective.
What kind of guarantee do you offer?
It’s impossible to know exactly what results will come from energy clearing. It takes time to see the full effects. Based on years of seeing results in my clients’ lives and businesses, I know it is effective. If you are truly unhappy with your experience and see no positive change in your business three months after the clearing, I will offer an additional energy clearing at no extra charge.
Important Reminder: Energy clearing is unpredictable in the sense that it removes blocks to momentum and forward movement in ways that are aligned with best outcomes for your business. This might not look *exactly* like you think it should. If you’re looking for a very specific, concrete result on a tight timeline this is not the best path for you.
Ready to bust those business blocks & sprinkle success magic on your (virtual or physical) doorstep?
Choose the button that applies to you and let’s move that energy!
The cost is either $250 or $500, depending on which category you fall into. I do this so that the work is accessible for you and sustainable for me.
Click this first button if you’re a “micro-biz” a.k.a. a solopreneur (or pair), with or without contract-based help, under $100,000 annual revenue, or a new business with no start-up money.
Click this second button if you’re a small business with under 10 employees and/or under $500,000 in annual revenue or a new business with start-up money.
I can’t wait to meet your business!