An invitation to stop dreading the alarm, or the job, or the family conflicts and wake with anticipation, knowing there will be moments of grace, beauty and joy in your day, even if the hard stuff is there too.
An invitation to stop feeling alone in your relationships and connect deeply with yourself, your favorite humans (and animals) and a sense of hope + possibility that can be as nourishing and accessible as the most comforting soup on a sub-zero day.
An invitation to stop feeling like life is passing you by and take consistent steps toward your dreams and desires.
An invitation to stop working so hard to get it right and trust that you are seen, valued and loved for being who you are (imperfections & mistakes included).
Are you ready to say yes to…

Wherever you are, that’s where we start.
Because the magic is there already. (I can help you find it.)
Because you are a wonder. A miracle made of dust and DNA, love and longing, hope and tears and tenacity. (I can help you believe it.)
Because you are meant to shine. (yes. yes. yes.)

I have a master’s degree in clinical and community psychology, which means I have a solid understanding of human nature.
I have specialized training in grief work, which means that your grief is always welcome, no matter how old it is or what it’s in response to.
I come from a multi-generational family of scientists, which means that I came to this work as a (hopeful) skeptic and am constantly checking it against my own lived experience and the feedback from my clients about concrete changes in their lives.
I spent a few years immersed in the world of new-age spirituality and while there are some good folks there, a lot of it involves victim-blaming and spiritual bypassing.
What we are doing here is not that.
It is not ceremonial or esoteric.
This work is meant to produce tangible change in you and your life, as real as the screen you’re reading this on.
That’s not to say the work can’t be subtle. It often is.
Sometimes it’s about feeling more solid in who you are and the boundaries you hold.
Sometimes it’s having all the same emotions and thoughts but moving through them more quickly and easily, then experiencing them less and less frequently.
Sometimes it’s fireworks and awe and “OMG, I never thought this would be possible and now I’m living it.”
We won’t know until we get started.
There are plenty of energy healers and “lightworkers” out there who will confidently promise you all sorts of unrealistic results if you work with them. I can’t guarantee that working with me will bring you a 7-figure income, or that you’ll suddenly be cured of all your problems because that’s not real.
What I can promise you is that this work works.
It can bring profound change and it can help you see your life with fresh eyes.
It meets you where you are and moves you forward in ways that are specific to and perfect for who you are right now + who you want to become.
Let’s start…
All the ways to work together are here.