Welcome to Transformation Talk. Every Thursday for a year, starting in September 2012, I’ll post an interview with someone who is a force for good in the world. These men and women have either deepened their passion or found their calling after experiencing a loss, trauma or diagnosis.
I want to broaden the conversation around grief and its transformative power. My hope is that in their words you’ll find echoes of your story. In their inspired actions, you’ll see yourself and your immense possibility.
*Special Request: The technology of Skype is amazing and imperfect. Please listen with your heart and forgive the occasional blips on the screen.
Today’s interview is with visual artist Lori Portka, whose mission is to radiate love and happiness through her art. She shares the story of how art helped her recover from the shock and grief of divorce, and led her from teaching and counseling to being a full-time artist. It also happens to be my 25th Transformation Talk, which means we’re half way through! Woohooo! 25 amazing people have shared their stories here. I am honored and grateful.
Lori has generously agreed to give one lucky viewer the gorgeous print you see at the top of this post. (If you’re not seeing it in your email, click through the title to view) The winner will be randomly chosen next Wednesday and will be announced here and contacted via email. To enter, please leave a comment below. You can just say hi, but I’d love it if you’d share one way you’ve stepped into your own creativity lately.
Lori’s bio and the link to download the audio version are below. Running time is just over 21 minutes.
Right-click or control-click here to download audio version.
Lori Portka is a full-time artist with a mission to spread happiness. Her designs appear on greeting cards, prints, calendars, prayer flags and magazines internationally. Lori is also the creator of A Month of Thank Yous Pack, which includes 30 art postcards for practicing gratitude. All of her artwork is made with an open heart and the intention to spread love and healing.
Find her at LoriPortka.com
What a beautiful post and I love Loris artwork! I always seem to leave my creative expressions to the last on my to do list but yesterday I took my paint and canvas out and painted my word for the year. It’s EXPANSION and I felt so good getting caught up in the colours and texture. My kids helped me to get going and finally paint!
Big hugs, Karina
What a wonderful word for the year Karina. Yay for picking up the brush and painting!
Thank you Karina! Yay for that! I love that being creative came off the list and into your life.
Thanks for having me Alana. I loved talking to you
I love having you here! xo
This is really inspiring. I agree with Alana, your artwork speaks to the heart. I love this interview because you talk about real emotions such as fear and not feeling good enough. Congrats to you for believing in yourself and creating such beautiful work.
The way I’ve stepped into my creativity lately is by just relaxing and allowing myself to make mistakes. I have always dreamt of making leggings I designed and wore to yoga. I have now made several pair and have made plenty of mistakes but I’m going to keep going because it feels good. Thanks for this interview! Just discovered this site and its really special.
Wow! I’m celebrating you and your leggings today! I tend to happy dance when I hear of people doing what makes them feel good, especially if it requires stepping out of their comfort zone. Thank you for stopping by and watching Lori’s interview.
Rebecca, your comment made me so happy! I am so excited for you with your leggings!
I declared to myself and the universe that I am indeed an artist. I painted it on my skin and shared the photo with friends and family via social networking. I have begun drawing and painting again after many years away from it and have begun letting this part of me be seen, instead of hiding and ignoring the calling. It feels like I am home again.
Oh I got goosebumps as I read this. What a powerful declaration. Welcome home.
Thanks Lori.
You validated my sensitivity. My empathy for others and animals.
Great interview, Alana. Love that you are sharing these special people with us.
Love seeing two beautiful souls together <3 I have been a big fan of Lori's work for a long time, and still have yet to own a piece of it! I ache to paint sometimes, and I have been trying to go when it calls lately. My last painting playshop went so well, and I learn so much each time I put myself out there to host one. I miss you! I feel like life is getting away from me a bit lately… xo
And our winner, as decided by Random.org, is Lisa! Watch for an email from me.