Welcome to Transformation Talk. Every Thursday for a year, starting in September 2012, I’ll post an interview with someone who is a force for good in the world. These men and women have either deepened their passion or found their calling after experiencing a loss, trauma or diagnosis.
I want to broaden the conversation around grief and its transformative power. My hope is that in their words you’ll find echoes of your story. In their inspired actions, you’ll see yourself and your immense possibility.
*Special Request: The technology of Skype is amazing and imperfect. Please listen with your heart and forgive the occasional blips on the screen. (And this week, we have added background love from Kerrie’s dog and my cat, who was determined to break down the office door!)
Kerrie is a pleasure catalyst and life strategist, who treasures her sense of lightness and ease because she is familiar with the dark. She shares her story of journeying through depression and grief, her commitment to experiencing life as fun and how that led her to following her bliss and helping others do the same.
Running time is 27 minutes. Link to bio and to download the audio version are below. If you’re getting this via email click through the title to access the video.
Right-click or Control-click here to download the audio-only version.
Here’s Kerrie in her own words:
Hi, I’m Kerrie Blazek.
Think of me as your fairy godmother … on punk rock.
I’m all about pleasure, ease, and creating excuses for mini-celebrations.
(‘Cause life is way better when you feel good. Obvious, but oddly difficult. Amiright??)
I’ve taught middle-school kids science (talk about the importance of fun!). I’ve traveled the country for a year, living out of my car (helloooo magical memoirs!). I’ve hunkered down, dug deep, let go, and redefined myself countless times. (School of hard knocks? I’ve got a Ph.D.!)
Along the way, I’ve discovered a hefty bunch about happiness. What it is, what it isn’t, and how to feel more of it — even on those crappy days we all have.
Miss Dyana Valentine calls my superpower: “TLC on Acid.”
(Radical gratitude? Very necessary. Psychedelics? Totally optional.)
Everywhere I go, I leave people brighter, shinier, and happier. It’s a gift, an art, and a pretty fantastic way to roll.
You can find her at www.KerrieBlazek.com. Be sure to check out her 40-Day Feel Good Challenge (I’ll be guest teaching with her on Wednesday May 1st!)
Kerrie, Sugar, you are a mess. Our paths cross in the ethers – we chatted on FB a bit when you first lighted in Washington, I think it was. Thank you, Alana for bringing us more of the bright spot known as Kerri, and Kerri, keep on shining, Sugar.
I love that, Jeanne! Being called a mess by a Southerner is one of the highest compliments — XO. And yes — how awesome that our paths have crossed again? Please join Alana and I for the 40-Day Feel Good Challenge. It’s guaranteed to be more FUN than you can shake a stick at
Oh whew! I was hoping that was a high compliment.
Love you both.