Welcome to Transformation Talk. Every Thursday for a year, starting in September 2012, I’ll post an interview with someone who is a force for good in the world. These men and women have either deepened their passion or found their calling after experiencing a loss, trauma or diagnosis.
I want to broaden the conversation around grief and its transformative power. My hope is that in their words you’ll find echoes of your story. In their inspired actions, you’ll see yourself and your immense possibility.
*Special Request: The technology of Skype is amazing and imperfect. Please listen with your heart and forgive the occasional blips on the screen.
Today’s interview is with Grace Quantock. Grace amazes me with her poise and well, grace. Just 25 years old, she has been living with chronic and debilitating illness for about 15 years and has turned from “Sick Chick to Trailblazer”. Unable to find an example of anyone living well with illness, she became her own example and has since created a wonderful community where people come together to share their stories and support each other. She’s also the founder of the non-profit Healing Boxes, which she’ll tell you about in the interview!
A quick note: at the end, she talks about her prowess in upsailing, which is what we might call rappelling, thanks to her years as a tree-protecting activist. I hate to the spoil the surprise, but I wanted to make sure everyone outside the UK knows what she’s talking about.
Running time is almost 25 minutes. Bio and link to audio download are below. If you’re receiving this via email, click through the title to view the video.
Right-click or control-click here to download the audio-only version.
Grace Quantock is a wellness provocateur, writer and founder of Sick Chick to Trail Blazer and Healing Boxes CIC.
She is thriving with multiple autoimmune illnesses and lives in Wales.
You can find her at GraceQuantock.com
Healing Boxes can be found at www.healing-boxes.com and on Facebook.com/Healing.Boxes.
Join the Trail Blazers’ Movement by signing up to the newsletter at www.sickchicktotrailblazer.
Okay, This made me laugh, and cry and wow…
Thank you
both, what a terrific gift for my day…
Hello Alana! Today I am painting all day and I plan to listen to transformation talks 🙂