Welcome to Transformation Talk. Every Thursday for a year, starting in September 2012, I’ll post an interview with someone who is a force for good in the world. These men and women have either deepened their passion or found their calling after experiencing a loss, trauma or diagnosis.
I want to broaden the conversation around grief and its transformative power. My hope is that in their words you’ll find echoes of your story. In their inspired actions, you’ll see yourself and your immense possibility.
*Special Request: The technology of Skype is amazing and imperfect. Please listen with your heart and forgive the occasional blips on the screen.
Today’s interview is with writer, speaker, teacher and businesswoman, Angela Kelsey. Her memoir of her 8 year marriage, where she was a victim of domestic violence, is set to be released this fall. Angela talks candidly about what it was like to realize she’d married an abuser and live with him for over 7 years, hoping things would change, until finally having the strength to leave.
Bio & link to download the audio version are below. Running time is just under 30 mins.
Right-click or control-click here to download the audio version.
Angela Kelsey is a writer, teacher, speaker, advocate, businesswoman, and survivor of domestic violence.
Her unflinching exploration of her abusive marriage has led to a memoir called Funhouse Marriage: Who I Was • Why I Stayed • How I Got Out, to be published in the fall of 2013. The answers to those questions cut to the core reasons why women across lines of age, class, and culture stay with men who batter them.
In 2011, she joined forces with friends to create In Real Life, a growing online community dedicated to providing psychotherapy and peer support for survivors of domestic violence, rape, and sexual abuse.
Her website is www.angelakelsey.com.
Two of my favorite blindingly amazing women together. What a treat! As I watched and listened, I got goosebumps so many times that my arms and legs are sore. AlanaSugar, this is such an important series you’re doing. Thank you for having the good idea and following through with it. AngelaSugar, wow. So many things I want to say – words, thoughts, feelings tumble all over each other like puppies in a cardboard box. I think I’ll just go with a simple and huge and heartfelt Thank you. Your extensive processing coupled with your whole brain/whole heart super powers make for a story that’s not only riveting but immensely relatable to those of us who’ve been through such atrocious relationships as well as informational for those who watch from the outside and scratch their heads to understand. Your willingness and determination to reach out far into the world in so many different ways – through your speaking, your book, your blog, your writing workshops, your interviews and guest posts, and through IRLife.com – will surely continue change lives in ways obvious and in ways unimaginable. Talk about a life well spent. Thank you and Bravo, my beautiful friends.
Another wonderful share.
I find myself wondering if at some point you will be answering the 3 questions that you put to others yourself?
This video loaded in a fraction of the time, but played in the smallest window I have ever seen. Was that a setting? or just a glitch ? whatever the case it was nice to not have to wait for it to load!
I am so proud of Angela. She is profoundly wise and courageous. I appreciate the vulnerability she is willing to experience in telling her truth. Thank you for sharing this interview with us.
Thank you for taking the time to watch Tammy. 🙂