My husband’s family is in town this week and we’ve rented two homes in a nearby beach community to accommodate all of us. While both houses are beautiful and in lovely locations, they feel different for reasons that all come down to details.
One homeowner communicated clearly, kindly and well in advance of our arrival date. The second homeowner was unresponsive and abrupt. Though each house is beautiful in its own way, we arrived with distinct feelings about both and there was already talk of the different reviews they’ll receive online afterward.
I’ve stayed in a number of rentals through Airbnb or VRBO and it’s interesting to notice how much care and thought owners put into making their guests comfortable. Little details like having necessities in the pantry, propane for the grill, and notes explaining how things work, make a big difference.
The same holds true for business transactions, dining out, or deepening friendships.
We notice the details.
Stressing and obsessing over them can be crazy-making (just ask any bride-to-be). That’s not what this card is about. Instead it’s a reminder to pay attention and be thoughtful, clear and heartfelt with little touches that feel important to you.
A handwritten note.
A small gift, just because, with no expectation of anything in return.
Remembering an important date, or a customer’s name.
This card also wants you to pay attention to the details that you’re presented with. Body language. Statements made under someone’s breath. The restaurant owner who comes over to talk with you and brings something special for you to try. These things speak volumes.
Pay attention to details this week. Let yourself focus on them, enjoy them, be clear about them. If you’re signing anything legal, read the fine print. If you’re working on a project, get specific about the little things for a while.
Spend some time thinking about another person’s experience of who you are or what you offer.
There’s magic and power there.