Prayer is when you talk to God. Meditation is when God talks to you. ~ Yogi Bhajan
A regular seated meditation practice continues to elude me. I’ve learned different techniques. I fully believe in the power of it. But I can’t seem to sit e.v.e.r.y. day. I could (and have) been hard on myself for this. Lately, I’ve been choosing to see my life as a meditation. Is this a cop out? Probably. If you asked a meditation teacher, I think you’d get an emphatic yes. But I’m walking my talk, and loving myself where I am, knowing there’s room to grow.
I’ve discovered that God talks to me when I dance, when I walk, when I sit by the ocean’s edge. If I empty my mind, open my heart and listen, I am gifted with clarity, knowledge, peace and inspiration. I hear my body, my intuition, and the whispered voice of Spirit. I hear the stories I tell myself and I connect to the truth that lies hidden underneath them.
I sit formally when I can. The rest of the time I do my best to listen, deeply and well, to my life.
Where can you love yourself more today, knowing there’s room to grow?
P.S. I am sending love to all those whose lives were touched by the explosions in Boston yesterday. I pray that as a society, we move closer to recognizing that when one of us bleeds, we all bleed. I’m holding space for forgiveness, for healing, for remembering…for life in all its fragility.