The other night, just before I signed off for celebratory champagne with hubby, I happened to see intuitive extraordinaire, Bridget Pilloud‘s invitation to pick a color for 2011.
So I did.
In my manifesto cheat sheet, I claimed orange as my power color for 2011. I made the choice more specific and left Bridget a note.
Here’s what she had to say:
Alana, your colors are sitting square between the 2nd and 3rd chakra, with an added burst of divine vibration. This is the place of creativity and power combined, with some lessons about self-esteem thrown in for good measure.
This is the color of the new day. Heat shimmers, and there will be times when you wonder whether you’re enough for this year, (not in a bad way, just, it’s going to be busy). You are enough. You will not be consumed by the flames. Instead, allow yourself to be a conduit and let life move through you.
She’s closed her comments to specific color requests but you can check out what she’s saying about colors here.
But before you do – close your eyes, take a deep breath and let a color for 2011 float into your mind.
May it be brilliant.
I am so pleased that my words resonated with you, and deeply excited for you during this next year.
Much love!
Orange has always been the color that I feel closest to, the strongest vibration with. I love this. xox