I’m changing things up again. The Sunday oracle card pulls will go back to being a part of my newsletter and they’ll be short & sweet. Here on the blog I’m returning to Mantra Monday as of next week and we will see how things feel in the fall, once my daughter is back in school and I have a more regular schedule.
I’m also retiring two current offerings (oracle card readings and space clearings) to make room for two new projects. More on that next week.
Today’s card is here to remind you of two things:
1. The universe sends you the people who are necessary for your growth. Pay attention. Stay open to the lessons. Be conscious and aware in your relationships. Take responsibility for your own behavior. Never play victim. Cherish the people who move you forward on your path. Learn from and release those who wish to hold you back.
2. You are a magical map shifter. How you respond to what life hands you influences the unfolding of the next chapter. Take responsibility for your own behavior. Never play victim. (Yes, I wrote that twice) You are a powerful being. You have the strength and ability to create a beautiful life, complete with challenges and imperfections. You’ve got this.