It doesn’t matter how big or small your community is. What matters is that you have one.
If you’re not happy with yours, now is the time to put your energy and intention toward creating the right one for you.
It’s wonderful to be clear about the kind of friends, co-workers or business partners you’d love to have in your life. It’s even more wonderful to BE that friend, co-worker or business partner for others.
If you want more meaningful conversations, be willing to start one. If you’d like more mail in your mailbox (real mail is so exciting!), put pen to paper and write a letter to someone. If you’d like a few more social invitations, go out on a limb and extend one.
My neighbor mentioned today how lonely and sad she was when she moved to the lane because no one would talk to her. Out on the beach one sunset, she ran into another woman and reached out to start a conversation. A half hour later a friendship had started. While they didn’t become BFF’s, she broke the ice and the dynamics on the street began to shift for her.
You won’t likely end up with your new community over night, but baby steps add up. Just make sure you’re spending time with people whose energy is in line with yours. Don’t allow yourself to get pulled into catty, gossiping or unkind conversations because you’re lonely.
If you’ve already got people in your life who lift you up and support you in following your dreams, don’t take them for granted. Let them know how much you appreciate them. Continue to strengthen those bonds. They are more valuable than gold.
This card indicates that the universe is sending (even more) good people your way. Keep your eyes and heart open so you recognize them when they come.