Anything is better than breaking promises to yourself.
When you’re craving sugar ask yourself what it is you really want.
Make friends with your hunger. Let yourself be satisfied.
Don’t be afraid to wear lipstick even if your lips aren’t twenty-something (or even forty-something) full. Wear the fancy jewelry to the grocery store if it makes you happy.
Let your yard go wild, even if you’re pretty sure the neighbors will hate it. The bees and butterflies and hummingbirds are worth it.
Put down the phone. Put down the phone. Put down the phone. Especially when someone you love is talking to you.
Get dirt and paint on your hands.
Do nothing for 15 minutes. See how many times you want to reach for your phone or your computer or something to distract you from being still and alone with your thoughts.
Surprise yourself.
Want what you want, even if you’re prepared to not get it (not now, not yet, maybe not ever).
Look for the moments of delight and hold them close. Give the benefit of the doubt. Use your voice and your privilege for good.
Be kind. Be kind. Be kind. (Even when – especially when – you’re holding a boundary.)
Forgive yourself for allowing something you don’t want in service of something you do. Give people grace. Educate with compassion. Call out the bullies and the bullshit. Be willing to say “I’m sorry.” Be willing to learn.
Show up with an open heart, unless you’re sure it’s not warranted.
Stand in your competence with confidence and humility. You know things – don’t pretend you don’t.
Go slow. The world moves too fast sometimes.
Keep your promises.
Let yourself be seen. (Let yourself be adored.)
Say thank you and I love you as often as possible.