For a number of reasons, I’m asking myself the following questions right now. I wondered if some of them might feel relevant for you too.
How do I want to spend my days? (And how do I want to feel as I live them?)
What are my priorities right now and are the choices I make in alignment with them?
What can I let go of to make space for those priorities and those desired feelings?
What mindset or self-talk needs to shift in order for my life to feel more spacious?
And inspired by Brittany Maynard’s deeply touching story (alongside so many others) I’m asking myself:
If I had a year (or less) to live, what would I do?
As I sit with these questions, the words dancing through my heart and mind are
Let It Be Simple
because gosh, we humans like to complicate things, don’t we?
Yes, Alana, we certainly do like to complicate things! I love this…let it be simple. That’s what I want my life to be!
Me too, Sheila. Me too.