What are you truly hungry for?
This is the question Rachel Cole asks everyone she works with. In the answering, secrets are revealed and magic happens.
It’s a brilliant question.
Sure it can be about food and you can ask it of yourself standing in front of the refrigerator, wondering what to throw together for dinner.
It can also be about so much more.
I know I’ve often found myself staring into the pantry when I realized my hunger wasn’t about food at all. It was for comfort, or rest, or freedom, or love, or the time and space to fall apart.
In this podcast, Rachel and I talk about intuitive eating, why she believes dieting is a violent act, how to savor your life and what it means to be a well-fed woman.
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P.S. Next week’s show is a special one (and a short one) inspired by a question from a wonderful podcast listener and Facebook friend who asked about ways to hold on to the light, to joy, to hope, when the world around seems so dark. I hope you’ll join me for it and that you’ll send me your questions to answer here or on the show. I always love hearing from you.